CBSS is COVID-19 ready and remains operational

CBSS is COVID-19 ready and remains operational

Just a quick note to let you know that CBSS is COVID-19 ready and that our business operations are unrestricted.  As a business rooted in science, we are closely monitoring the developments around the outbreak, and have taken appropriate measures to protect our employees, who are now all working from home, and have been self-isolating since the 16th of March 2020.

(For more information about the spread of COVID19 in South Africa, visit

We can confirm that the business operations of CBSS have not been affected by the outbreak.  We will continue to provide our services to all our clients and customers, as most of our work entail tasks that can be done behind a computer with an internet connection (the drafting of reports, the evaluation of water monitoring data and the development of software to facilitate the interpretation of this data).  We have made small changes to the way we work, for example, where face-to-face contact or communication is necessary, we will conduct meetings on Zoom. We have also postponed our Training Courses until the end of August 2020.

Nevertheless, if you experience any water governance related problems during this time of lock-down, for example spills that could lead to water pollution problems, please do not hesitate to contact us immediately.  We have registered as an essential service provider in accordance with the Disaster Management Regulations (our Certificate can be downloaded here), and can come and assist you with any forensic or other type of water pollution of contamination investigation or assessment.

CBSS is COVID-19 ready

Preaching to the converted, I know, but please remember to wash your hands regularly with soap and water, and do it properly (sing ‘Happy Birthday’ to yourself TWICE while washing, and don’t forget to wash your fingertips), please wipe exposed surfaces down regularly, and please maintain a distance of 1 meter between people, or cover your face (no need for masks, bandanas will do just as well, like cowboys and crooks!), please don’t shake hands, and sneeze into your elbow.  And if it is possible to self-isolate, even if you are healthy, please do that, like we are doing! (Interesting trivia – Newton developed his theories on gravity when he had to self-isolate and work from home because the University of Cambridge closed down during an outbreak of the bubonic plague in the 1700s!)

On a personal note, I also want to share my thoughts about how this outbreak once again illustrate the critical importance of appropriate water management and governance in protecting communities and in preventing the spreading of pandemics such as this.  Especially vulnerable communities, who may not always have access to resources such as clean running water, basic sanitation, and affordable food and other resources. This outbreak is not simply a public health issue. It is directly related to social equity and environmental justice and our fight for an environment (including air and water) that is not harmful to our health and well-being.  This is why CBSS will remain operational, and ensure that we continue to be COVID-19 ready.

I strongly believe that the people of South Africa, and that’s us, have the will and the resilience to make it through this, and that we can all pull together to ensure as little an impact as possible on our people and our economy. Let’s use this time to catch up and to reflect and to come up with new ideas and innovations on how to manage our water resources better!

Do get in touch if you have any questions, or want to share any ideas, or need our expertise during this quiet time to properly interpret your water monitoring data or get your water use licence sorted out once and for all.  Also, please sign up for our newsletter – we won’t spam you, I promise!

All the best, and please stay healthy!

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